Future is You 2020 Recipients
June 27, 2020

2020 saw $1,000 Scholarships awarded in the third year, of the “Future is You!” Scholarship program, Chaired by Sarah Williams, to 6 graduating senior girls from Napa Valley Unified District schools. All graduating senior girls were eligible with an emphasis on first time College goers and/or those over-coming obstacles in their lives. Unfortunately, there was no actual awards ceremony to meet the girls this year, but $1000 checks towards continuing their education after high school went to Michaela Singh, Mariana Diaz, both residents of Napa, Marianne Goyma and Lorraine Sandoval of American Canyon and Amy Alfaro Vega, and Fernanda Aguilar also residents of Napa.
Tags: #EmpoweringGirls #FutureIsYou #NapaSoroptimist #SoroptimistsAtWork